Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rules of Engagement

I plan on allowing comments to all my posts and want to set up some guidelines. Since the intent of this blog is to give support for those dealing with depression, comments shouldn’t belittle or degrade others. We’ve all got enough problems without having some anonymous idiot taking pot shots. I will delete comments that are offensive. Further, since religion is going to be part of the focus in my posts, comments that attack, defame or belittle any religion or person’s religious beliefs will be deleted.

Feel free to keep your privacy. You don’t have to reveal who you are. It’s your decision.

I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV. I can’t diagnose your problems. This blog is for support, not diagnosis. I’m not going to say “if you feel this way, you need to do this: …” Don’t post comments with a diagnosis for other commentators or myself - even if you are a doctor, but especially if you play one on TV. (However, if you are a doctor or counselor, send me an email and let's collaborate here.) I probably won’t delete the comments but reserve the right to do so. You owe it to yourself to get a diagnosis from a real doctor you can trust.

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